Blog 4t Primària

dijous, 23 d’abril del 2020


Hello everyone!
Today you have new activities to review comparatives and superlatives. 
First, watch the powepoint with explanations, videos and activities. 
Then you can start with the 2 activities attached (one is for comparative and the other for superlative). 
 As you will see, at the end you have the answers to correct the activity. Please, be honest with you, and don't look at them until you finish!

Hola a tots!
Avui teniu noves activitats per repassar comparatives and superlatives.
Primer, mirau el powerpoint que conté explicacions, videos i activitats.
Després teniu una activitat de comparative i una altre de superlative.
Veureu que teniu les solucions per corregir l'activitat. Per favor, no les mireu fins que heu acabat, per corregir les vostres respostes.

Podeu enviar les activitats al meu correu 

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